My Blogging Tips

Hello everyone! Today I wanted to share with you my blogging tips because we all know that blogging can be difficult in the beginning  and trying to manage blogging  with everyday life, especially as teens with the immense pressures of school. Therefore I thought that I would share with you my tips, I am by no means an experienced blogger but in the months that I have been blogging I have learnt so much and I wanted to help  any of you who are: blogger newbies or already have a blog but want some advice or inspiration.

For any of you who didn’t know, I am currently in my final year at high school which as you can imagine involves a lot exams and immense pressure. Personally, blogging is a great way to switch off from school and a relaxing pass time as there is no expectation of you; you can write what ever pops into your head.

Upon creating my blog I didn’t no what to do, write, when to post or anything so I was truly flying solo.

Get in the mood to write

Personally, I have to be in the writing mood and have a clear head to want to sit down and write. When writing my posts, I write at a desk because sitting down and being surrounded by a creative space really helps me focus and inspires me when writing, editing and planning. With regard to a blogging space, you can turn anywhere into a blogging space whether it be your bed or the corner of your room, as long as you are comfortable and relaxed. For energy, I  like to have some snacks and water next to me because there’s nothing worse than being in the writing zone and then get the feeling of hunger or thirst. I also recommend making a blogging playlist if you concentrate better whilst listening to music, this should inspire you and make you more focused if you find it easier to write this way. There are multiple ways to get in the mood to write, it’s all about finding what works best for you.

Love for writing

Don’t start a blog because you want to make lots of money and get free products delivered right to your front door, because in reality, unfortunately that’s not how it works; these are long term dreams which have to be worked for. To get there it takes a lot of hardwork and dedication to your blog so don’t be disheartened that you don’t earn money instantly because like all things it takes time. Blog because you  love to write and have a real passion and flare for writing. Blogging takes a tremendous amount of effort and time, and if you don’t truly love doing it then the chances of you giving up in the early months are pretty high. So, if you want to start a blog then don’t hesitate give it a shot, whats the worse that could happen.

Blogging Community

One of my favourite parts of blogging is talking to other bloggers and when I first started  blogging it became clear to me how important developing relationships with other teen bloggers are and how much they help you. I love talking to other bloggers because they have the same passions as I do so we already have stuff in common and they live all around the world and knowing the fact that I wouldn’t have had the opportunity to speak to these people if it hadn’t been for starting my blog.  Developing blogging friendships can benefit you in so many ways, you will find that you have regular comments on your blog posts and social media, so getting involved in the blogging community will definitely benefit you and your blog. As a generation we are a sociable and social media captivated people so we find it much easier to build relationships with people online therefore as bloggers we need to use this to our advantage and build connections with people that will become loyal readers on your blog. Group chats, collaborations and regular comments on their pictures and blogs can really help build a blogging community where people will read your blog and appreciate the content. Don’t hesitate in the opportunity to meet new people because you’re scared to send someone a message or worried that they won’t like your content. Just reach out, leave a comment on their blog or message them on instagram and say that you love their blog.

Be yourself

Super cliche  I know but this is really important. In our world there is no one just like you so take advantage of that, be different; this advantage is what makes you so special and different from everyone else. Don’t hide your true self because you’re trying to be like someone else. Equally, don’t try to be someone you are not for your blog purposes, it is much better to be truthful and honest than to lie. People will love your content because they see your personality throughout your writing.

Find Your Subject Area

Upon starting your blog, you may have an inkling as to  what subject area you want to go down but it may be unclear, I knew that I wanted to write about beauty, lifestyle and pets but I didn’t know which one I wanted to specialise in. Even now, I’m still figuring out my subject area because I look at what my readers enjoy, if I get more engagement on a particular subject area related post as appossed to the other subject area related posts then I will focus more on that particular subject area  post that engages my readers attention more. I think that this takes time in achieving however if it is clear to you that you get very little response from certain posts then reduce the number you publish, as it will deter people to your blog on a regular basis. Finding the right subject areas creates a good blog as you are listening to your readers- which is very important! If your readers ask for a particular post then I suggest that it is in your best interests to do it as it shows that you are taking your readers ideas on board.

Focus on your current readers

It’s so easy to get caught up in the stats. Don’t get caught up in the stats, readers will come if you focus on the readers you have now and produce good content for them to read. Obviously, everyone wants their blogging friendships to expand and for their blog to be successful. Getting your blog out there in the world is important , but equally, the readers you already have acquired are more important because they’re already there to support you. I have learnt that blogging solely centred around gaining new followers, yes it is great to get new followers but it’s more about the followers you already have; the people who are supporting you now. By doing this, you’re building a strong and happy friendships; full of people who genuinely love your content

Balancing Time

A great blogger always finds time to blog! There will always be something that needs to be done and we all know the difficulties of having homework  but all you want to do is blog; it’s difficult to manage them both at the same time! Personally, I do my homework the day I get it as this way I’m organised at keeping up to my homework so I can have a homework free weekend, leaving time for relaxing and blogging. Saturday or Sunday afternoons is the time that I write posts because I can come home from work: take photos, edit and write all on the same day so it’s ready and waiting to be published. Doing this means that I don’t have to worry about blogging after school when I should be doing homework or revising.

Thank you so much for reading and I hoped that you enjoyed reading. Those were my tips for blogging, I hope you found it useful!  Let me know in the comments what’s your #1 blogging tip. Have a lovely day!

Bekkah x

8 thoughts on “My Blogging Tips

  1. DaisyChainDreaming says:

    Hey Bekkah!
    I am a Teen Blogger and I have been sort of struggling. I have a love of writing and I needed a creative outlet and a place to be me so that’s why I started my blog but I am always looking for ways to improve it and other people’s advice so thx! And I am really going to try the homework thing! I find it hard though! I just found your blog on Bloglovin but it looks really cool so far!
    DaisyChainDreamer xx


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